Sign up for the weekly Climate on the Ballot newsletter. Every Monday, in “Climate on the Ballot,” we pass along a topic to help you integrate climate into your newsroom’s campaign reporting. Consider sharing this newsletter with your colleagues on the politics beat. Vea la versión en español de “El clima en la boleta.” This […]
Read More… from Digging Into Plastics Offers a Way to Localize the Climate Story
Sign up for Climate on the Ballot, our weekly newsletter with ideas for reporting on climate and the 2024 elections. This week, CBS News released new polling showing that climate change could be more important to voters in November’s US presidential election than many political pros have assumed. We’ve known for a long time that […]
Read More… from Climate’s Rising Significance Ahead of November Elections
Inscribirse para recibir el boletín semanal El Clima en la Boleta. Cada lunes, en El Clima en la Boleta presentamos un tema para ayudarte a integrar el clima en la cobertura de la campaña de tu redacción. Considera compartir este boletín con tus colegas de la mesa de política. Esta semana: Todo lo que necesitas […]
Read More… from Manual para informar sobre el clima y las elecciones de 2024 en Estados Unidos
Sign up for the weekly Climate on the Ballot newsletter. Every Monday, in “Climate on the Ballot,” we pass along a topic to help you integrate climate into your newsroom’s campaign reporting. Consider sharing this newsletter with your colleagues on the politics beat. Vea la versión en español de “El clima en la boleta.” This Week: […]
Read More… from New From Us: Reporting on Climate and the 2024 US Elections
Sign up for Climate on the Ballot, our weekly newsletter with ideas for reporting on climate and the 2024 elections. For climate journalists, Earth Day is a mixed bag: In newsrooms where climate coverage is still siloed — a still too-often occurrence — Earth Day brings a welcome moment of attention. But the day also […]
Read More… from The Radicalism of the First Earth Day
Cada lunes, en El Clima en la Boleta presentamos un tema para ayudarte a integrar el clima en la cobertura de la campaña de tu redacción. Considera compartir este boletín con tus colegas de la mesa de política. Read Climate on the Ballot in English. Esta semana: Negación y desinformación climática El número de estadounidenses […]
Read More… from Ayuda a tu audiencia a comprender quién difunde desinformación — y sus fines políticos
Sign up for the weekly Climate on the Ballot newsletter. Every Monday, in “Climate on the Ballot,” we pass along a topic to help you integrate climate into your newsroom’s campaign reporting. Consider sharing this newsletter with your colleagues on the politics beat. Vea la versión en español de “El clima en la boleta.” This […]
Read More… from Help Audiences Understand Who’s Spreading Climate Disinformation — and Their Political Aims
Sign up for Climate on the Ballot, our weekly newsletter with ideas for reporting on climate and the 2024 elections. Our species has been observing the sun, the moon, and the stars for all of our history. Doing so has brought order to our understanding of the world and inspired collective awe for millennia. Monday’s […]
Read More… from A Rare Moment of Collective Wonder
Jessica Kutz spends a lot of time explaining her beat to others. Kutz is the gender, climate, and sustainability reporter at The 19th, a nonprofit publication focused on gender. And to many people, she’s found, the link between gender and climate isn’t quickly apparent. Kutz has taken a wide-ranging approach to the beat, reporting on […]
Read More… from Q&A: ‘Huge Blind Spot’: The 19th’s Jessica Kutz on Covering The Gender-Climate Connection