The California mega-fires of the past two weeks have demonstrated that an overheated planet threatens not only people’s lives but also their access to affordable insurance. Yesterday, Covering Climate Now hosted a webinar, “Is Insurance the Next Big Climate Story?,” to give journalists what they need in order to alert audiences to this urgent problem […]
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Inscribirse para recibir el boletín Poder y Progreso. En 2024, casi la mitad de la población mundial -4,000 millones de personas en 72 países- tuvo la oportunidad de votar en elecciones celebradas en todo el mundo, donde también estaban en juego las políticas climáticas. El resultado: los gobernantes en el poder fueron destituidos y, a […]
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Welcome to Locally Sourced, a biweekly Covering Climate Now newsletter for journalists working to localize the climate story. Share this newsletter with colleagues and journalism students interested in localizing the climate story. Vea la versión en español de “Fuentes Locales.” Story Spark: Oceans Oceans have borne the brunt of human-caused global warming, absorbing nearly 90% […]
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Bienvenido/a a Fuentes Locales, un boletín quincenal de Covering Climate Now dirigido a periodistas que cubren la crisis climática a nivel local. Comparte este boletín con colegas y estudiantes de periodismo interesados en hacer historias locales sobre la crisis climática para sus comunidades. Read Locally Sourced in English. Una idea para tus historias: Los océanos […]
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“The Los Angeles fires represent a seminal moment for the climate crisis – and for journalism.” So write Covering Climate Now co-founders Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope in a column published this morning in the Guardian and The Nation (and available for all CCNow partners to republish). There has been some climate-savvy reporting about the fires, […]
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Sign up for the Climate Power & Progress newsletter. View all Power & Progress newsletter editions. Nearly half of the world’s population — 4 billion people in 72 countries — had the opportunity to vote in last year’s climate elections. The result: Incumbents were voted out and globally, politics saw a right-ward shift. Last year was […]
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“Subscribe to trusted media outlets so journalism survives — we’ll need it.” So wrote George Lakoff in a list of suggestions for preserving democracy, suggestions that also apply to preserving a livable planet. As climate-fueled wildfires devastate Los Angeles, US president-elect Donald Trump is again spreading life-threatening disinformation that journalists need to identify and debunk. […]
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Welcome to Locally Sourced, a biweekly Covering Climate Now newsletter for journalists working to localize the climate story. Share this newsletter with colleagues and journalism students interested in localizing the climate story. Vea la versión en español de “Fuentes locales.” Story Spark: Heat Pumps Heat pumps are having a moment — and for good reason. […]
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Bienvenido/a a Fuentes Locales, un boletín quincenal de Covering Climate Now dirigido a periodistas que cubren la crisis climática a nivel local. Comparte este boletín con colegas y estudiantes de periodismo interesados en hacer historias locales sobre la crisis climática para sus comunidades. Read Locally Sourced in English. Una idea para tus historias: Bombas de […]
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