Photo by David McNew/Getty Images News / Getty Images Sign up to receive the weekly Climate Beat newsletter. The Climate Beat will be taking a week off next week to prepare for our Climate Politics joint coverage week, from September 21-28. As world governments recover from Covid-19 shutdowns, it is essential that stimulus spending combat the climate […]
Read More… from UN Chief: “The Climate Emergency is the Central Question Facing the World.”
Governments should use COVID-19 economic recovery packages for “massive investments” in green jobs and technologies, Secretary General António Guterres says in interviews by Covering Climate Now partners NBC News, Noticias Telemundo and Agence France Presse. “We can either rebuild as it was, which is a huge mistake because of the fragilities of the world, or […]
Read More… from UN Secretary General Says COVID-19 Spending Must Be “Climate-Smart”
Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images News / Getty Images Sign up to receive the weekly Climate Beat newsletter. The president of the United States has no plan to address the climate crisis. This is not a partisan observation; it is a fact, supported by Donald Trump’s own statements and the Republican Party platform, which, as in 2016, […]
Read More… from The Sitting President Has No Climate Plan. Why Isn’t That Headline News?
The images from California are terrifying. Walls of fire. Ash-soaked cities. Smoke that stretches well into the Midwest. More than 1 million acres burned in a week, more than in all of 2019. Much of that has been in the Bay Area, but every one of California’s 58 counties, except San Francisco, has had fires. One-hundred […]
Read More… from Not Making the Climate Connection to California’s Fires Is Media Malpractice
Sign up to receive the weekly Climate Beat newsletter. It’s rare to hear the term “climate emergency” in media and political discourse in the United States, even though that is the term thousands of scientists say most accurately describes the situation facing humanity. More than 13,000 scientists have now signed the “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate […]
Read More… from At the Conventions, Cover Climate as an Emergency not an “Issue”
Photo: A powerful derecho caused widespread damage across Iowa Farmland (Photo: Getty Images) Sign up to receive the weekly Climate Beat newsletter in your inbox. Today, a wildfire is raging in Colorado, forcing home evacuations and closing part of the Interstate near Grand Junction. In the Midwest on Monday, powerful “Derecho” storms ripped through several states, […]
Read More… from Say It With Us: Extreme Weather Is Climate Change in Action!
Sign up to receive the weekly Climate Beat newsletter in your inbox. On November 4, the United States will officially leave the Paris climate accord. The accord, agreed upon five years ago by virtually every country on earth, commits governments to keeping global temperature rise “well below” 2 degrees Celsius—a sensible ambition considering the record heat […]
Read More… from Will Climate Break Through in Big Media’s Elections Coverage?
With the US elections fewer than 100 days away, our latest “Talking Shop” brought together a group of stellar journalists to share best practices on how to make the climate story central to 2020 campaign coverage. There’s a lot at stake. The upcoming elections will shape whether the world’s biggest economy will leave the Paris […]
Read More… from Watch Now: Talking Shop on Climate Change & the 2020 Elections
We’re excited to update reporters and newsrooms about our upcoming events, including plans for our next week of joint coverage, September 21 to 28. Our theme that week will be climate change and the US elections, but coverage should connect to today’s other big stories as well, especially Covid-19, its economic fallout, and racial justice […]
Read More… from Climate Politics 2020 Joint Coverage Week, Youth Takeover Day, and More