This week, close to 100 fellow journalists “talked shop” at a Covering Climate Now webinar, asking questions, brainstorming ideas and making new connections as we adjust to reporting on the climate crisis amid the coronavirus pandemic. Mark Hertsgaard, executive director of CCNow and environment correspondent for The Nation, led the discussion, with panelists: Kyle Pope, […]
Read More… from Talking Shop: Reporting on Climate Change During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Sign up to receive the weekly Climate Beat newsletter in your inbox. An absent dog does not bark, says an African proverb. The US press has hardly been absent during the coronavirus outbreak; many outlets have run stories about little else. But the focus on the virus has distracted the press from its watchdog function on […]
Read More… from Silence of the Climate Watchdogs
Sign up to receive the weekly Climate Beat newsletter in your inbox. To our partners: We’re changing the way CCNow does content sharing. Especially with so many newsrooms stretched to the max with coronavirus coverage, we want to make it easy for partners to share and republish more climate change stories, more often, at no cost. […]
Read More… from CCNow Expands Content Sharing
Sign up to receive the weekly Climate Beat newsletter in your inbox. The coronavirus is a fierce reminder of just how much we need credible journalism, especially in times of crisis. And there’s been much to admire in the media’s coverage of the coronavirus crisis. Timely, accurate, high-profile reporting has helped Americans understand the danger of […]
Read More… from Media’s COVID-19 Coverage Proves It Could Also Spotlight Climate Crisis
Photo: Joel Redman/If Not Us Then Who Editor’s note: This story is available for reprint by CCNow partners. Please see our reprint guidelines and photographs of the indigenous leaders quoted in this piece. B-roll, interview transcripts and further information can also be found here. NEW YORK–The same forest destruction that accelerates climate change can also […]
Read More… from The Corona Connection: Forest Loss Drives Viruses As Well As Climate Change
FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2020 10 A.M. EASTERN TIME STREAMED LIVE VIA GOOGLE MEET RSVP: As a precautionary response to the coronavirus, this will now be an online-only event. Indigenous Peoples may be the most important—yet most overlooked—climate solution available, according to peer-reviewed science. Hear three indigenous leaders tell how protecting their human and land rights […]
Read More… from Press Briefing with a Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples
Photo by David McNew/Getty Images News / Getty Images With the world in the grip of coronavirus fears, many are wondering why governments and people have proven so willing to take science seriously on that front while continuing to spurn climate action. Coronavirus is without doubt a serious issue; it has claimed at least 3,000 […]
Read More… from The Other Global Emergency: Coronavirus in the Time of Climate Change
America’s three mainstream television networks—ABC, CBS, and NBC—broadcast tens of thousands of news stories each year. But in 2019, only 0.7 percent of those stories addressed climate change, according to a new report by the left-of-center media watchdog group Media Matters. In other words, less than 1 out of every 100 network news stories talked […]
Read More… from Network News’s Climate Disappearing Act—Will 2020 Be Different?
The Climate Beat On October 30, 1975, the New York Daily News published one of the great headlines of all time: “Ford To City: Drop Dead.” US president Gerald Ford had just announced that the federal government would refuse to bail out New York if the city government went bankrupt. Ford later said that the headline and […]
Read More… from Donald Trump’s Climate Preparedness Policy: “Get Your Mops And Buckets Ready”